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How to Stop AnyDesk Access: A Full Guide

Author: Natalie Paraskeva
Natalie Paraskeva Article author

AnyDesk is a useful tool when it comes to remote help, especially in resolving technical issues you otherwise can’t resolve by yourself. However, there are cases where you need to stop AnyDesk access — to protect your privacy during sessions and keep unauthorized access at bay.

In this post, we’ll show you how to stop AnyDesk access on mobile and computer. We’ll also provide you with useful tips on improving your devices’ security.

How to Stop AnyDesk Access on Desktop

So, what solutions are available on how to stop AnyDesk access? There are two general ways for you to terminate remote sessions on your computer, including closing the AnyDesk app and disabling it from opening on startup.

Terminate an Ongoing AnyDesk Session

When someone is controlling your computer remotely, you should see the following on your screen:

  • • The AnyDesk app is running.
  • • A red Disconnect button is available (in most cases) in an AnyDesk window.

To end your session, simply click Disconnect. Alternatively, close the entire window to stop remote access.

Stop the access

In some cases, AnyDesk might still be running in the background even after closing its active window. This can potentially allow for a remote session to happen with you unaware. Here’s what you should do:

Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager. Go to the Processes tab and ensure that there is no running entry for AnyDesk (or any program related to it).

how to delete AnyDesk from Mac
Before stepping away from your computer, make sure to lock your screen. If you’re on Windows, simply press Windows + L. For Mac users, press Control + Command + Q.

Stop AnyDesk Service from Loading at Startup

If you allow the AnyDesk app to load upon startup, someone might be able to initiate a remote connection. By disabling it, you not only have more control over the app’s running time but may also improve your computer’s boot time. Here’s how you do it on Windows and Mac.

On Windows

Method 1: Stop AnyDesk Access via Task Manager

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager.

  2. Switch to the Startup apps tab and select AnyDesk from the listed applications.

  3. Once selected, click the Disable button on the upper right. If the button is unavailable on your version of Windows, right-click AnyDesk and select Disable from the context menu that appears.

Method 2: Stop AnyDesk Access via Services

You can also disable apps and services via the Services utility, albeit a bit more caution is needed when selecting a service.
  1. To use this method, press Windows + R to launch Run.

    Stop AnyDesk Access on Windows
  2. Click the Open field, type services.msc, and press Enter. This will open the Services utility.

  3. Find and right-click AnyDesk from the listed services. From the context menu that appears, choose Properties.

  4. A separate Properties dialog will appear on your screen. In this box, expand the Startup type drop-down and choose Manual or Disabled. Save your changes by clicking Apply > OK.

On Mac

The easiest way you can disable a startup app on a Mac is to use System Preferences. Of course, if you’re techy and already familiar with the operating system, you can also use Terminal.

  1. Go to the System Preferences and type ‘Login Items‘ into the search bar.

  2. Here, you’ll see a list of all applications and programs that load upon logging in. Select AnyDesk from the list and click the minus button () to remove it from the list.

    Stop AnyDesk access on Mac

Keep in mind that disabling AnyDesk from loading upon startup doesn’t mean that you (or another user) can’t use it on the computer anymore. The only thing it does is prevent it from starting automatically. The processes above are reversible, so you just need to trace your steps back to re-enable the app for startup.

How to Stop AnyDesk Access on Mobile

Similar to the desktop version of AnyDesk, an option to terminate a remote session, such as a cross icon, should be available on the mobile app. However, the most effective way to prevent unauthorized access would be to uninstall AnyDesk from your device. Note: The specific interfaces and option names in the steps below might vary depending on the operating system and version, but the process should be roughly similar.

How to Stop AnyDesk Access on iPhone

There are two ways for you to uninstall AnyDesk from iPhone: removing an app from the home screen and via the Settings app.

Method 1. Long-Press to Stop Anydesk Access

  1. To remove AnyDesk from your home screen, long-press its app icon until a context menu appears.

    Long-press to stop AnyDesk access

  2. Tap Remove App > Delete App. When asked to confirm, tap Delete.

    Stop accessing AnyDesk on iPhone

Method 2. Stop Access in iPhone Storage

  1. Go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage.

    How to stop AnyDesk access from iPhone

  2. From the list of apps, find and tap AnyDesk.

  3. Tap Delete App. When asked to confirm in a separate prompt, tap Delete App again.

    Uninstall AnyDesk from mobile

Uninstall AnyDesk on Android

The process is almost identical for Android devices, except for the option names. Here’s how.

  1. Go to your home screen or app drawer. Then, touch and hold AnyDesk until a context menu appears.
  2. From the options provided, select Uninstall.

Method 2. Stop AnyDesk Access from Settings

  1. Go to Settings > Apps > App management.

  2. Find AnyDesk from the apps list and open it. In the specific app preferences provided, tap Uninstall.

    Stop AnyDesk access from Android

Additional Measures to Secure Your Privacy in AnyDesk

Let’s start with the basics: 

  • • Regularly update your AnyDesk password to keep your security fresh and prevent others from logging into your account without you knowing. 
  • • Disconnect your device from the Internet when you’re not actively using it.
  • • Uninstall AnyDesk if you no longer need it.

Here are more specific tips for you to enhance your device’s security against unusual AnyDesk access:

Disable Unattended Access

AnyDesk’s Unattended Access feature allows users to remotely connect to a device without someone physically present. Meaning, they’ll be given access even without your manual approval.

This feature is not enabled by default in AnyDesk. If you have previously enabled it, simply trace your steps back:

  1. Open AnyDesk and click the three-dash icon to open Settings. From the left panel, select Access.

    Stop unattended access
  2. Under the Unattended Access section, uncheck the box for the Enable unattended access and Allow other computers to save login information for this client. Then, click Clear all tokens.

    Disable Unattended Access on AnyDesk

If you still want this feature enabled, make sure to set a strong password and share it only with those you know are trustworthy.

Install the Ideal Alternative to AnyDesk

If you’ve decided to stop AnyDesk access for any reasons mentioned earlier, exploring a dependable alternative to AnyDesk tailored to your requirements is a wise next step.

HelpWire offers an efficient and complimentary remote desktop option, equipped with the necessary capabilities to initiate remote support sessions for both Mac and PC platforms, facilitating seamless cross-platform connectivity.

Available at no cost for both individual and commercial purposes, HelpWire ensures transparency with no concealed fees. Its straightforward installation, intuitive design, and robust encryption standards make it an excellent choice for secure, user-friendly remote access.

Key Highlights:

  • Fully Free:
    Enjoy unrestricted access to HelpWire's features at no cost, including limitless remote connections.
  • Quick Session Start:
    Launch support sessions swiftly via a unique client app link.
  • Instant Chat Support:
    Integrated support chat for immediate communication with clients, plus conversation history for easy reference.
  • Direct File Sharing:
    Transfer files directly within the remote session, eliminating the need for external storage or hosting services.


AnyDesk is a useful app for remote controlling computers, but it can also be a way for malicious people to access your devices without authorization. While you should be able to see an option to disconnect or terminate a remote session, you can take more radical steps like disabling AnyDesk from startup and uninstalling its app to keep your devices secure.